Asha Tanna

Asha Tanna reports from Ankara bombing scene

TRT World's Asha Tanna reports latest on terror attack in Ankara

Turkey wants to create secure zone in Syria, Asha Tanna reports

TRT World's Asha Tanna talks about US-Saudi relations

David Cameron to step down as UK PM, Asha Tanna reports

Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko awaits verdict without showing much emotion, Asha Tanna reports

Turkey summons UN Security Council ambassadors after Ankara blast, Asha Tanna reports

TRT World correspondent Asha Tanna reports from Riyadh on Syrian opposition meeting

EU and Turkey to hold special summit in March, Asha Tanna reports

Turkey to change rules in terrorism fight, Asha Tanna reports from Ankara on new security measures

UK votes to leave the European Union, Asha Tanna reports

Opposition groups' meeting in Riyadh, Asha Tanna reports

Latest on terror attack in Ankara, Asha Tanna reports from the scene

TRT World - Asha Tanna reports on Saudi elections from Riyadh

World Cup workers live in slum conditions, Asha Tanna reports

South Korea accuses Pyongyang of firing missile, Asha Tanna reports

Tensions with North Korea reach new heights, Asha Tanna reports

TRT World correspondend Asha Tanna reports from Riyad on first Saudi elections open to women

Durban climate change talks - deal or no deal?

Could a new IVF technique boost fertility?

Susan Fajana-Thomas on This Day Live

Meteors: how big a threat?

Marquise Stillwell on This Day Live

Money Talks: Arianna leaves Huffington, interview with Kevin Anderson